Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve in Badshot Lea is this year’s recipient of funds raised from the sale of North Farnham Art Trail donations. 

As part of their Surrey Artists Open Studios exhibition, 18 local artists have given paintings, prints, pottery and a pendant to be sold for £25 apiece to help this thriving habitat and wetland ecosystem on its doorstep.

Many will know the stretch of water on old gravel pits off the A31 carriageway leaving Farnham towards Guildford, which attracts aquatic birds, both resident and migratory, as well as other water-loving creatures.

They may not however know its recent history. Fortunately Cllr Mark Merryweather was at the launch of the exhibition at Kiln Photo, Badshot Lea, to explain how a partnership of six local councils acquired the land to protect it as an open space for the community and for biodiversity.

All sales of artwork in the charity display cabinets at Kiln Photo, Badshot Lea, will go directly to Tice’s Meadow. This is an opportunity to buy a unique artwork at a very reasonable price while contributing to environmental stewardship.

Other inspiring offerings can be found in the various studios along The North Farnham Art Trail until Sunday, June 18. See https://www.facebook.com/northfarnhamarttrail/

Kiln Photo is an informal photographic community with shared resources, suitable for any level of experience – a little known gem in our World Craft Town of Farnham. New members are most welcome. See: https://www.kilnphoto.co.uk