Harvest Church in Alton is offering free and non-judgemental support to local people so they can overcome damaging habits and start again – through a course called Fresh Start.

It could be smoking, over-eating, catalogue shopping, internet or mobile phone addiction, gambling, drinking or using drugs; any habit which once might have brought comfort or fun but is now spoiling daily living.

Fresh Start is for anyone who feels it is time to cut down or stop. This is hard for people to do on their own, so course leaders support them in a small group setting where everyone is fighting a similar situation and can encourage others in a confidential environment. They also offer one-to-one coaching.

This nine-week course is inspired by the ‘12 steps’ approach. Many group members find a place to belong and make lasting friendships.

After previous local courses, a man tackling internet addiction said: “I’d like to thank you for putting on the Fresh Start course and helping me achieve my goals.”

Another, addicted to gambling, added: “I was anxious over money. I am now happier and am getting my priorities right.”

A woman recovering from alcohol addiction said: “I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t come on Fresh Start.” 

The next course, at the Alton Maltings Centre, starts on February 7 at 10.30am. To register call Mark Rumsby on 07769 030913 or email [email protected]