Again and again over the past few months I have seen Cllr John Neale trying to promote full pedestrianisation. 

With the closure of West Street by Surrey County Council, it is obvious to anyone that any attempt at full pedestrianisation in Farnham would be a disaster. 

Just by closing that one area has resulted in the worst traffic jams.

Far from  ‘bottling out’, the rest of Farnham Residents regard Mr Neale’s obsession with full pedestrianisation as a fantasy with no practical possibility of it being achieved. 

Partial pedestrianisation would be something that might be achieved with the money allocated from SCC.

One remedy to alleviate the problems of unwanted, polluting traffic would be a good frequent, regular electric-driven bus service. 

With the increasing population of Farnham, this could be one part of the solution although an expensive one, which this government I am sure will not fund.

In his long personal article last week, Mr Neale suggested he might be standing again with another party. I wonder what other parties might wish to join him in his campaign.

Julie Colson, Lower Bourne