More green fields close to Farnham town centre could be concreted over for housing, after developer Gleeson launched a consultation on plans for more than 80 new homes south of Old Park Lane.
Dedicated website was unveiled last week inviting people to “involved in shaping the plans”.
It states the proposed development has been “sensitively designed to respect the character of Farnham and the setting of Farnham Castle”, which overlooks the development site.

It adds 30 per cent of the approximate 83 new homes will be “affordable”, with a variety of house types such as bungalows, family homes and apartments on the cards.
The scheme also proposes new footpaths through “significant areas of publicly accessible open space, play spaces and a community orchard”.
The developer has not yet submitted a planning application – but its website suggests this is imminent.

A spokesman for Gleeson said: "We are seeking outline planning permission to establish the principle of development on the site, including detailed permission for the access.
"Following this, and subject to the conditions of the outline planning permission, the details including housing design, layout and landscaping would be progressed through a reserved matters submission.
"The masterplan shows how the site could be laid out. This plan is for illustrative purposes and we are keen to hear feedback on how the plans could be developed."

The development site is located in an area of open countryside north of the existing Abbey View development off Crondall Lane and University for the Creative Arts, and south of Old Park Lane.
It is also located just south of the Old Park area of high landscape sensitivity and historic value, as defined in the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan, and located outside of the plan's defined built-up settlement boundary.