A sight loss charity is to open a new information and advice hub to support blind and partially sighted people in Alton.

Open Sight Hampshire will hold the Information Hub at Alton Library in Vicarage Hill, on the fourth Thursday of every month between 10am and midday and offer independent living services and technology support.

The Information Hub has been made possible through funding from the National Lottery Community Fund and is one of 11 hubs across the county, also including Petersfield.

The hubs allow people with sight loss to access the support they need in the heart of their own community without having to travel long distances to unfamiliar places.

In Hampshire there are an estimated 62,000 people living with some degree of sight impairment.

People can drop in without an appointment for a chat and to get free impartial advice.

See the website www.opensight.org.uk or call 02380 641244 for more information.