Alton manager Kevin Adair admitted his side got what they deserved after crashing to a comprehensive 4-0 defeat at home to Abbey Rangers in the Combined Counties Premier Division South on Saturday afternoon.

Ross Murdoch (2), Daryl Cooper-Smith and former Badshot Lea player Danilo Cadete scored the goals as Abbey earned an emphatic win.

“We were poor and we didn’t deserve anything from the game,” said Adair.

“If you look at the stats we had more shots and more possession, but Abbey were clinical and deserved to win. We were outworked – and that is not something I like to say.

“A number of the goals came from us losing the ball and being caught on the transition – that is something we need to work on. That was our 16th game of the season and our first poor performance since the opening game.

“We’ve shown we can compete against good sides in this league and get results – but we need to be more consistent.”

Alton will host Colliers Wood United in the league on Saturday (3pm).